Sap concur应用程序下载


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Setting up flights for an upcoming trip will no longer feel like a chore when you can do it all in a direct message — a “DM” — with the SAP Concur Travel App. Type  下载. 扫一扫下载. SAP Concur截图. 应用简介. Keep track of your expenses and stay productive on the go. Large and small businesses can easily track business  SAP Concur移动应用让你随时随地管理费用,从索取发票到费用报销,企业可以通过移动设备随时随地管理费用报销的全部流程。下载Concur手机APP,随时随地使用手机APP审核、批准或拒绝费用的报销。 SAP Concur 移动应用程序是一个简单、安全的工具,可以让您通过云同步的移动应用来管理费用、差旅和对公支付。 员工可以在出差的同时保持高效率,而管理人员则能够轻松地追踪支出。 历趣SAP Concur app下载频道提供的SAP Concur安卓版、SAP ConcuriOS版、,SAP Concur手机版,手机SAP Concur下载,SAP Concur2021最新版下载,SAP Concur下载2020正式版,sap concur安卓版本下载 Concur 9.64.0 更新内容:? 在一月版本 (v9.65) 中,SAP Concur mobile app 即将将其支持的最低操作系统版本从 v5.0 (Lollipop) 升级到 v6.0 (Marshmallow)。 SAP Concur 差旅费用管理系统,全球领先的差旅管理、费用报销和对公支付整合解决方案品牌。为财务团队提供财务预算管理软件,帮助企业实现财务创新转型,简化差旅费用报销和费用管理流程。

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The Concur platform is designed to make employee spend simple, compliant and transparent. The power of the platform is what truly sets us – and our customers – apart. Watch video Read IDC report on Concur platform Automate expenses from receipt to reimbursement. 应用宝. 下软件找游戏,超快省流量! 与SAP Concur全球高层一道,探讨财务数字化转型的核心战略。了解我们的最新愿景、策略、以及新产品;同时还有来自不同行业的专家与客户,专注于企业数字化转型需求,洞见发展趋势。 sap(思爱普)为全球企业管理解决方案的提供商,提供完善的erp、云erp、crm、大数据、云计算、供应链、物联网解决方案,助您实现智造转型,让企业化繁为简。请查看更多 Solution pour vos notes de frais et déplacements professionnels. Optimisez la gestion de vos dépenses d'entreprise et de voyages d'affaires avec SAP Concur. El software de fácil uso para la gestión de viajes de negocios, gastos y facturas de SAP Concur ayuda a tu negocio a ahorrar tiempo, dinero y mejorar el control. 通过整合近乎实时的数据,由人工智能对100%交易审计稽查,企业能准确获取开支信息,无需担心预算盲点。S

在Windows下载what is sap concur - Software on

2020-09-10 SAP CONCUR SUPPORT THROUGH SERVICE NOW. 2020-07-23 Historical Concur Data is available. 2020-07-15 SAP Concur is Unavailable. Most Popular FAQ. What is a reasonable tip? What is deducted for a provided meal on the first/last day of travel? What is Value-Added Tax (VAT)? SAP Concur markets and sells Concur Standard/Professional/Premium (including Travel, Expense, and Invoice), Concur Small Business, and Concurs Mobile App solutions worldwide through a direct sales organization and indirect distribution channels such as strategic resellers. SAP Concur has deployed in co-locations Lynnwood, WA (USA) and Paris (EMEA). 【环球旅讯】企业软件巨头SAP以83亿美元收购差旅管理平台Concur的交易已经完成,这标志着Concur作为一家独立公司的历史正式结束。 Concur的股票将以每股129美元现金被收购,很快将从纳斯达克退市。 SAP在公告中称将专注于使Concur整合到其“全球最大的商务网络”中。

Sap concur应用程序下载

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Sap concur应用程序下载

SAP Concur (formerly Concur Technologies) is an American SaaS company, providing travel and expense management services to businesses. It is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. SAP SE agreed to acquire Concur Technologies in September 2014 for $8.3 billion. The … Concur的CEO Steve Singh曾经说过Concur、SuccessFactors(云端人力资源管理软件供应商)和Fieldglass(聘请和管理临时雇员与服务的领先技术供应商)这三家SAP旗下公司的网络彼此独立却又相互连接,因此存在自动化整合的前景。 首汽约车与SAP Concur战略合作 打通企业员工报销通道,首汽约车,sap,concur,出行 SAP Concur 生态合作伙伴方案分享五:Hitpoint Fapiaoforce发票管理解决方案 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2020-08-26 17:18:02上线。视频内容简介:当前,企业财税正处于数字化转型的窗口期。随着电子化办税政策的逐步发布落实,以及电子发票、电子报销、电子记账等数字化财税管理模式和技术的发展

SAP Concur最新版v9.88.2更新说明(2021-04-03) • 对所有费用类型和段类型(差旅补助和里程除外)的动态支持已添加至“申请”。 • 一些小错误修复。 如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#iuuu9(dot)com,或移步SAP Concur官网下载最新版 Concur - Expense Management, Travel and Invoice Software - SAP Concur Better travel and expense management. 透過獲取差旅開支的各項資料, SAP Concur 為企業提供可靠的資料,讓企業更有效地與服務供應商進行議價、計畫預算方案,並有效控制差旅開支和管理其合規性。 SAP Concur 的服務獲得了來自全球 150 多個國家的 48,000 多客戶的信賴。 通过 SAP Concur,您将有权限访问 SAP Enterprise Support 云版本提供的支持服务和专家建议。 Concur is an SAP SaaS solution that provides travel and expense management services to our customers. Concur integrates seamlessly with SAP on premise solutions via an ABAP add-on installed in the on premise SAP ERP system. Exceptions in this add-on can be monitored using FRUN.

Strategize with sales team members to identify the most effective approach that will result in the prospect buying SAP Concur’s services & solutions. Maintain thorough knowledge of SAP Concur’s competitors’ solutions, company direction, financial stability, etc. Keep current with industry events, solution offerings, etc. SAP Concur. A cloud based solution to improve process automation, integration and analytics across travel and expense processes, while providing a modern user experience and comprehensive mobile support. Experience the enhanced look and features of the SAP API Business Hub! Launch Beta. SAP Concur markets and sells Concur Standard/Professional/Premium (including Travel, Expense, and Invoice), Concur Small Business, and Concurs Mobile App solutions worldwide through a direct sales organization and indirect distribution channels such as strategic resellers. SAP Concur has deployed in co-locations Lynnwood, WA (USA) and Paris (EMEA). SAP Concur’s vision for companies of all sizes is to become best-run businesses. In today's challenging business environment, best-run companies have clarity across all aspects of their business, which allows them to act quickly with increased insight, efficiency, and flexibility.